Pride Ego Worst Enemies of Wisdom Common Sense

“It’s better to remain thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!”

That phrase was indirectly, or directly, aimed in my direction during a 6th grade class by a very wise Southern Gentleman who happened to be my teacher. That was many decades ago and I have never forgotten. There’s no idea if anyone else in that class got the message, as most were content to sit silently, never risking any comment, either positive or negative.

Being rather insecure my comments were usually geared to, in my mind, to make me seem more astute, knowledgable, which was rarely the case. It may be seen as fortunate to have adopted a “conspiracy theorist’s” attitude later on. Therre were ample opportunities to refine that belief.

Our world has been brainwashed to believe that an educational level and money determine intelligence and superiority. That has never been more apparent than during the last few years of 2020 to 2024. It has been observed by a minority as to the truth of this. Where what should be painfully obvious is those with all the paper degrees seem to be lacking a large degree of common sense.

There seems to be a hint as to why things could be so out of whack. A direct connection to the amount of time spent in front of a TV! What better form of hypnosis, or brain-washing machine is there? If the ‘talking-heads’ say it, then it must be true. Why would they lie to us? For the most obvious reason of all…money and power.

Only now are whistleblowers finally admitting the absured amounts of money hospitals and medical professionals recieved for reporting deaths as related to the so-called virus. Funny how no one ever was able to isolate said virus, yet vaccines and any number of remedies were developed without that critical piece of information. A world-wide scam if ever there was one. And no one got the flu or influenza.

As has been pointed out, people missed how the homeless were never impacted by this. Why? The news media, being totally complicit with the scam, never brought this to the public’s attention. Why? Because the Main Stream Media was totally complicit and has been for decades while building up to this event.

As Hannity has pointed out for years, journalism died back around the ’80s. It was then the so-called journalists stoped being unbiased in their writing efforts, becomming shills for whatever their puppet masters wanted, rather than keenly unbiased reporters of just the facts.

Facts became lies actually. Anything other than truth is just that. A lie! The voices of MSM became at best story tellers. Or just paid liars.

What happens when the Internet goes down...What happens when the Internet goes down…