MSM Gets Candy Or Bondage To Lies


Friday, February 17, 2017 at 6:55 PM (original penned date)

In order to know the truth, the lie must be exposed. In order for the lie to be exposed, there must be the desire to get past the fear of the truth. Knowing the truth will set you free from the bondage of the lie.

persecution that took place at the whim of a government

Never in memory has this be clearer than in today’s news. Perhaps going back to the McCarthy era and the persecution that took place at the whim of a government obsessed with the idea that communism was running rampart within the U.S. there may be a comparison. Attacks on all sides with little if any proof of accusations, sort of like what’s going on now.

a confessed Democrat states the spooks are out of control

Even a former CIA agent that is a confessed Democrat states the spooks are out of control, and the press just loves it! Even though being bias was never a problem for the main stream media, in order to be so there must be a position taken for or against a particular issue. So there must be a new noun, or perhaps a verb, to define what’s happening today. 

It’s kinda like when I told my first lie about where I got the money to buy my hoard of candy. I didn’t want to admit I hadn’t paid for the candy, so I blamed it on my older sister because I had seen her take candy. I just hadn’t seen her pay for it, but even at five years old I knew the difference.

The rest is pure fabrication, insinuation, half-truth

That’s sort of the way it is with the mainstream media today. They know the stuff they’re writing is like taking that candy. It may contain an element of truth, just like I saw my sister taking candy. That was true. The rest is pure fabrication, insinuation, half-truth, as the story that tries to avoid the truth, or the lie.


There just isn’t any middle ground. No grey area or half-truth. Unfortunately there seems to be that eternal quest looking for what doesn’t exist except in a fiction novel. No more than my trying to escape that I stole candy and was willing to lie, hoping I could avoid the truth. Didn’t work. I had to return the candy and fess up. That would be like the media retracting the lie wouldn’t it? What a concept.

Now there’s a huge difference between “fake” news and “false” reports. Fake is purely a fabricated story meant to entertain for the most part, with no intent to be true at all. The primary goal of fake news is to attract readers to make advertisers happy and generate ad revenue for the creator. It works pretty well, as these sites can generate anywhere from $10-$30,000 monthly!


“False” news has as it’s main objective to deceive, malign, discredit, belittle, misrepresent and damage a person or commercial concern. That’s my definition so the dictionary may word it a little different. I think that’s a pretty accurate description.

What President Trump handed the White House Press Corp on a platter was the truth, bold and in their face. As Neil Cavuto of FOX News reported, what the media has lacked in their hate mongering is balance. It’s all one sided, never mentioning unless in some derogatory terms the positive aspects of what he has accomplished in just a few short weeks. This, in spite of the obstructionist efforts that have slowed him down.


The President is to be commended, in spite of a few rough instances where things could have gone smoother had cabinet members been in place to plan things out. The Immigration Order was created with clear wording. I didn’t have any trouble reading and understanding it. Only those determined to create obstruction made it awkward. That’s not how it was presented by the media, any more than the incident with General Mike Flynn has been fair. 


Even though the FBI has declared they find no criminal actions with Flynn, the media and the sorry Democrats keep kicking a dead horse, determined to get the legs to flinch or the tail to wag. Just like their salivating at the mouth when they reported a fake tweet, along with other inconsistencies about Flynn. They are so desperate to malign because it’s all they can do. Like the dog furiously barking behind the fence that if threatened, would tuck tail and go hide. Cesar Milan needs to come and put a leash around their neck to get them to relax, so President Trump can show them who their leader is.

That’s the truth that will set the Democrats, and a few of the GOP too, free. That the truth is their leader is President Donald J. Trump. He’s going to make changes whether they like it or not, and take their candy away! That candy is very likely going to be votes in the mid-term elections, and that’s going to taste like the most repugnant of flavors. They will have no one to blame but themselves, and a lot of “false” news. Like the sweets addict without their fix.

I’m gonna go find some amazingly decadent, caramel covered pecans, encased in the worlds most exquisite dark chocolate, that becomes liquid rivers as it melts in my mouth, while that caramel goo invades every recess around the tongue, sending wild signals to over-expectant taste buds. The truth will never taste better.